I received my garlic this weekend from Territorial Seed, and I started to prep the area where it will be planted with cow poo and compost from our compost bin. The compost is supposed to easily come out of the bin. Well, it was a little bit of a struggle because it was tightly packed. Once I started to shovel it out from the bottom things got easier. After I shoveled out what I wanted for the garlic, I mixed the bin materials very well. This will help the fresher material to turn more quickly into compost.
The bed that I prepped is like black gold. I think it will be perfect for the garlic. In our area, the garlic should be planted in the next couple of weeks.
The other raised beds have been totally prepped for next spring. I have only one bed growing fall vegetables which is enough for us.
I also got 3 heads of German Porcelain so in couple of weeks it will be planted. Next weekeend I have to finish hoophouse and then put the remaining beds to rest for winter.